Nutrition & Health Programs
Nutrition is the foundation for good health.
A balanced, nutrient-dense eating plan can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as overweight, obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
All & Everything Health group programs are designed for individuals with these conditions and are conducted in a friendly, safe, group setting.
Alternatively, one-to-one programs are available.
Join me to take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle.
HEART SMART Eat Well, Live Well
The Heart Smart: Eat Well, Live Well program is designed specifically for individuals who have been diagnosed with hypertension and their doctors have instructed them to:
eat a heart-healthy diet
lose weight to lower their blood pressure
reduce their overall risk of cardiovascular disease
The HEART SMART Eat Well, Live Well program is based on the DASH Eating Plan and will help you lower your blood pressure in 2 weeks and lose weight within 8 weeks!
Nurturing Wellness from the Start
Breastfeeding mothers have specific nutritional needs that are important for their own health and that of their baby. The Healthy Mums & Bubs program works alongside Breastfeeding Mothers Groups to promote healthy eating habits, which are essential for enhancing maternal nutritional status, mental well-being, and weight management.
Transform your Health, Transform your Life
DRAB 2 FAB is a customized health coaching program designed to get you back to looking & feeling fabulous in just 60 Days!
Discover what foods might be setting you back from your full health potential, and gain more energy & vitality without any magic potions or pills!